I Am Tiffany Johnson, A #DREAMDRIVER

Our featured ‪#‎dreamdriver‬ is Tiffany Johnson of The Sincerelyurstsj Brand.

What stage are you currently in? (PARK, REVERSE, NEUTRAL, DRIVE)
I’m currently in neutral at this point. I slowly have been investing more into my dream.

What’s your dream?
My dream is to be a successful blogger that offers different services, one of them being a life coach. I want every woman to learn about self-love and knowing the most important relationship you will ever have is with yourself.

What challenges are you currently facing achieving your dream?
Some of the challenges that I am facing is lack of time management and expendable income. If I managed my time more I would be able to get more blog posts out and work on additional projects. Having more funds would help me invest in other tools I need such becoming a certified life coach.

What keeps you going when you feel like giving up?
My vision and purpose. I had a long talk with God about a year ago and he gave me direction on my purpose in this world. Whenever I blog or provide advice, I receive reassurance that I’m doing what I suppose to do

For more on Tiffany, visit: www.sincerelyurstsj.com


About Rana Campbell

Rana Campbell is the host of the Dreams In Drive Podcast and owner and founder of Dreams In Drive LLC. She is a marketing/branding expert that loves helping creatives & lifestyle entrepreneurs build brands that SHINE in the business world.